Kylie Davies

Clinical Nurse Educator in Paediatric ICU, University of Notre Dame Australia

Kylie has had extensive experience as a nurse and researcher since graduation from Edith Cowan University. She currently works as a clinical nurse educator in a paediatric ICU of a Perth hospital where she provides education and clinical support for paediatric patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries. She is also an ACCCN Resuscitation Instructor servicing local & regional paediatric resuscitation learning needs and providing Recognition and Treatment of the Deteriorating Child study days.

Her research interest currently centres on an educational tool (ESAT©) designed to guide the inexperienced nurse as to when endotracheal tube (artificial airway) suction is appropriate. The overall aim of her study is to validate and test the tool’s accuracy to guide practice for nurses working in paediatric intensive care units (PICU).

Lectures by Kylie Davies

Recognition of the Deteriorating Child

a review

Critical Care Nursing / Mother & Child